
ホーム>英語>単 語
単 語





◆今の私   : ”the current me”

         ”the present me”

         ”the now me”


◆過去の私  : ”the past me”


◆その時の私 : ”the then me”




1. I don’t like the present me(=the current me or the now me). I’ll change my character to a more matured one.



2. Whenever I faced problems, learning from the past me always helped.

Meaning, I learned from what the past me did.




3. The then me lost myself, that’s why I made a slip of the tongue.



4. The current me will tell the future me, which among the things I will do are right and wrong. Even though what the now me is doing ends in failure, the future me will be able to handle it. Good luck, the future me!
