
ホーム>英語>エッセイ単 語
エッセイ単 語




・my #1 favorite is○○(私のNo.1のお気に入りは~)

・I’m a great fan of ○○(私は○○の熱狂的なファンです)

・I’m an enthusiast of○○(私は○○のファンです)



New word trends are springing up like mushrooms. Every now and then, we come across new words as well as expressions. I’m not always up-to-date with word trends, but I often hear the term “something-Oishi” in Japanese.



“Oshi” means “recommendation” of a person, people, products etc. It can function as a modifier that is preceded by a noun or as a noun itself. Using this term, you can either affix any noun before it, to show that you like something, or use it as a subject of the sentence.




(1)As a modifier that comes after the noun. In this pattern, “oishi” comes after a noun, which means that “oshi” describes that you like the “noun” it precedes.



I’m a great fan of Kenshi Yonezu, the musician= I’m “Kenshi Yonezu Oshi”



I’m an enthusiast of Rengoku-san, an anime character =I’m “Rengoku-san Oshi”



(2)As a noun, subject of the sentence. In this pattern, “oshi” is a noun, which functions as the subject of the sentence.



I stan BTS, a music group from Korea!=My Oshi is “BTS”!



My #1 favorite sweet is this one. = My Oshi sweet is this one.

私のNO.1 推しはこのスイーツです。


I have always felt that catching up with the latest trends is not easy, but it’s interesting to know the background or the origin of these words. So basically, it has a stronger implication than just “liking” something.



I think, it’s good to spread what we like, and see it with others, so they may appreciate and use it as much as we do. On top of that, if I recommend something to some people and they ended up liking it, I would feel comfortable and happy if they feel happy with it, too! Something like, let’s share what I like, right? This aspect of our culture, sharing the good things, is good.

自分が好きなものを広め、他人と共有することで、自分と同じように「いいね」と思っていただいたり使ってもらえるのもいいものです。それに自分の推しが他人にも好きになってもらえ、また喜ばれたら私も嬉しいです。そう思いませんか?「自分のお気に入りを誰かにもおすそ分け」という文化も、いいもんです 。



・spring up like mushrooms:(雨後のタケノコのように)続出する、出る

~spring up like mushroomsについて~



・every now and then(=sometimes):時々

・A as well as B:BだけでなくAも


・function【fˈʌŋ(k)ʃən】自動詞:機能する、作動する、※きちんと動く(=work, go, run)




※聞いた話では、Stalker(ストーカー)と fan(ファン)が組み合わさってできた造語で、ストーカーになってしまうほどの熱狂的なファンから来ているようです。