


Title: What’s the deep meaning of the so-called spell ‘scissors’ in Japan)


There are a bunch of English words that translate to “Omajinai” in Japanese, such as good luck charm, magic spell and abracadabra.

日本語で言う「おまじない」の英語はいろいろ言い方があります。“ good luck charm”, “magic spell ”、“abracadabra”等です。


If we use words, it is known as saying a ‘spell’ , whereas if it is a task being completed, it is called ‘practicing magic’.

例えば、口に出して言う場合は”spell”です。術を使う場合は、”practicing magic”です。


I would like to introduce a spell; ‘scissors’, which I happen to know.



Of course, literally, it refers to a tool to cut paper, cloth and many other things. On the other hand, fictitiously, it is believed that this spell named ‘scissors’ will help us to find items we have lost in our homes. When we lost something in our homes and need to look for it, we should hold some scissors in our hands, and begin to look for what we lost while asking the scissors where the item can be found.



Of course, this is just a spell. In reality, scissors would never reply to us and tell us where the lost item is, so we can’t really expect it to be helpful.



But if we look at it from a different perspective, it may serve as a tool to help calm the person and be optimistic that the lost item can be soon found, if we just persevere in finding the lost item.



So literally, a spell is just a set of random words, but if we look at it with deeper meaning, and how it affects people, then we will see its value.



Still on the subject of losing something valuable, it is observed by many that whenever we sincerely try to find something we have lost, sometimes we really can’t find it no matter how hard we look. However, just when we least expect or need it, we happen to find it.



This scenario correlates to a saying in China, “The more we look for it, the less we find it. Whenever we stop looking for it, it appears by itself.”



The fact that I have experienced the above scenario myself, makes me eager to tell you an effective way to avoid this from happening to you. This is to always bring back the things we use to where we took them from. Then you’ll never lose or misplace it.



Things, I believe, have their own lives, and it is our duty to handle them appropriately.




イギリス人の先生に聞いてみました。物を失くした時に使うおまじない・・・は聞いたことがないようなのですが、よく言われるのが”retrace your steps(自分の行動を振り返る、足取りをたどる)”やり方でした。



“I have lost my keys, so I will retrace my steps. I remember holding them in my hand as I walked through the door, I was also carrying a bottle of water in my other hand, and was thinking about my evening plans. I think I must have put my keys  on the refrigerator next to the door.”





・a bunch of~:たくさんの~(=many)



・serve as~:~として役に立つ

・persevere 【pə̀ːrsəvír 】 in~:~を固守する、続ける、粘り強く続けるなど


※他の言い換えとして、「This scenario associates with a saying in China」(※associate with~と関係がある)とも言えます。

・bring back:(元の位置に)戻す