






今回の英単語のポイントは、「”crab mentality”(カニ脳)または “crab theory,”(カニ理論)」です

Title: A Dishonest Person Can’t Live Happily


In this world, we will encounter people who are very cunning, dishonest, self-absorbed and think only of their own personal gains.



One example, in the professional field, is when some employees attempt to steal or take credit for others’ achievements. What’s worse, if others get promoted, out of greed or envy, these dishonest employees will not hesitate to cross or disrupt the promotions. 



This is somehow related to “crab mentality” or also known as “crab theory,” which means that “If I can’t have it, no one can”.



Another example when you may meet someone with this mentality could be in married life. Some people only think about their own happiness and demand their partners to adjust to them, such as pay for everything and worry about all the household liabilities. These people aren’t willing to contribute a single penny and even worse, they try to rob their partners’ properties just for their own benefit.



These dishonest people appear to be happy with their choices and behavior. Of course there are exemptions wherein some dishonest people have lived happily forever. But, I believe that the world is based on “You reap what you sow”. Eventually, all the bad things they have done will come crawling back to them.



If we only think of ourselves and try to reap the benefits of others work, we will eventually lose precious relationships, especially when we need them the most.



It’s not until they are on the brink of death that they will realize how cruel and dreadful the real world is and truly look at themselves and what they have created. And when all is said and done, they will spend the last moments of their lives in agony, or even in the after life.



※参考:評論家の加藤 諦三さんがラジオでおっしゃった「ずるい人は幸せになれない」という名言が心に響いたので、今回エッセイの題に使わせていただきました。



“crab mentality”(カニ脳)または “crab theory,”(カニ理論)は、










※参考サイト:(人の足を引っぱらずにはいられない心理「カニ脳」とは? – GIGAZINE