
ホーム>英語>エッセイ文 法
エッセイ文 法



For Japanese, thinking about the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns would be an eternal question, which makes us keep thinking forever. Many people might have difficulties in how to acquire the answers and so do I. So, I feel like this topic is a kind of torture.



Of course, we understand the basics such as “an apple” is a countable noun or “water” is an uncountable noun based on our images.



We also learned that “countable nouns mean we can count each, and uncountable nouns mean we count quantitatively.”



Moreover, uncountable nouns need a unit or quantifier. For example, “water” needs “a glass of” or “a bottle of” or something like that.



Now, I would like to say that the most annoying thing for me is “abstract nouns”.



When we begin to study English, at first we might face difficulties such as “why the word information is an uncountable?”, or “why the word culture is a countable noun?” etc. It’s really difficult to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns especially among abstract nouns. I have one method how to distinguish it. If it is unlimited, or limitless, then it may be uncountable. 



For example, “information” might be unlimited because it will be changed or widened based on the age. “Thought” is also dependent to the number of populations. There are as many “thought” as there are people, regardless of age, gender, race or culture. Thus, it varies and expands as population expands. It will continually increase, hence being unlimited.



On the other hand, as countable nouns are counted by unit or piece, there is an end point. Some examples are, “secrets such as embezzlement, heartbreak, etc” and “experiences such as travel, eating etc”.



In addition, these abstract nouns have both countable and uncountable forms. A good example is “experience”. The countable refers to an event or activity, and the uncountable refers to knowledge or skills gained by doing something. Why is the latter one an uncountable noun? It’s because increasing knowledge and obtaining skills are unlimited!



■quantitatively 【kwɑ̀ntɪtéɪtəvli】(副詞):量的に

■quantifier 【kwɑ’ntəfàiər】(名詞):数量詞

■end point (名詞):終点、区切りなど

■embezzlement【imbézlmənt 】(名詞):横領、使い込み


“countable nouns mean we can count each, and uncountable nouns mean we count quantitatively.




We   count    each      /  We   count  quantitatively

主語  動詞  副詞          主語  動詞   副詞








ということで、”be dependent to the number of populations”と表現しました。


“be dependent to”の代わりに、”be dependent on”でも同じ意味です。

“Thought” is also dependent to the number of populations.

=“Thought” is also dependent on the number of populations.”




Whether I can pass the exam or not will be dependent to how much I study.

Whether I can pass the exam or not will be dependent on how much I study.