


Title: What Mirrors Our Life Style? 


The images of the trees reflected on the surface of the lake is like a mirror.



One’s appearance often reveals their lifestyle. This is especially true for people in their 50s and 60s because their facial expressions describe very clearly how they live. As we get older, our physical appearance reflects our environment and life style choices more noticeably.



For instance, our confidence level can be observed in our gait, while our shoes often reveal our taste and sense of style; and our hair can indicate how much importance we give to hygiene.Moreover, stress can leave marks on our skin. Even if someone wears expensive clothes or a worn-out pair of shoes, a person’s poor posture can give away their true personality.



After all, one’s appearance can often mirror their inner essence. How we take care of ourselves always shows and reveals our priorities. Good hygiene and dressing professionally will be an expression of the order of our mind.



One more thing, “facial expressions” can tell what kind of people they are. How someone lives and behaves is engraved on his /her face.



Scientifically speaking, there are more than 30 kinds of muscles in our faces※. Different emotions such as “laughing” or “frowning” are manifested on our faces as some of the muscles moved. How we behave can create our faces. Lingering anger will make “angry faces” while depressed feelings may create “sad or frowning faces”.



So, you maybe can tell if someone is lying from their facial expressions.







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