




Some people regard changing jobs as an act of escaping reality or being impatient with the status quo.

These people don’t seem to like those who change their jobs several times.



However, I refute the above opinion.



Of course, there are those who quit simply because they don’t like the job or would rather stay home. In this case, I think they are just being immature and will soon realize how stupid their decisions are. 



For me, changing jobs might be a chance to change our ways to grow in different aspects of our life.



Moreover, if some just stay patient, endure and tolerate things like bullying or power harassment to keep their jobs, they should just leave and run away from there for their own sake.



Changing jobs might be a stepping stone for us to change our ways and turn over to a new leaf. In general, there may be thousands of reasons why people do so.



For example, people change jobs due to poor compensation to the point of living hand to mouth and not having enough means to live decently nor have enough savings for the future.



Or in some cases, people change jobs due to being caught in dire situations, sometimes associated with terrible human relationships.



And lastly, for some, it is their first step in taking the career growth ladder.




These thousands of reasons may either be positive or negative.

Personally, I prefer positive reasons, such as career progression, greener pasture, more stimulating challenges and environment.



On the negative reasons, sometimes, changing jobs will salvage ourselves from awful working environment and culture, like those that promote bullying, sexual or power harassments, racisms, etc.



If someone just stays patient, endures and tolerates being in such dire situations, with no glimmer of hope at all, with no avenue of escape, then I assume he should just leave and run as far away as possible for his own sake. Otherwise, this depression will leave him mentally or emotionally incapacitated.



There are thousands of reasons why we work, and everyone might have a different opinion or aspect. That’s why I assume changing jobs isn’t always bad and it depends on our reasons for doing so.



But one thing I want to say is for sure, as long as changing jobs brings forth growth or benefits, or help us lead a happy life, not just easy, but happy, it definitely means something!



◆status quo【stéɪṭəs kwóʊ】名詞:現状 

※通常、”the”が伴い、”th status quo”と使います


— refute「~を否定する」の類語 —

deny, reject, contradictも同意味で、書き換えもできます。

◆a stepping stone: 足掛かり、踏み石などの他に、「成功のもと」という意味もあります!

(有名な言葉:Every failure is a stepping stone to success/失敗は成功のもと)

◆turn over to a new leaf:心を入れ替える、改心する、心機一転、生活を一新するなど

◆live (from) hand to mouth:その日暮らしをする、ぎりぎりのお金しかなく余裕がない

— live (from) hand to mouth –なぜ、手から口?


「食べ物を手に入れたら、すぐに口へ持っていき、生き延びた」という背景から、live (from) hand to mouthは「その日暮らしをする・ぎりぎりの生活を送る」などの意味で使われるようになったようですよ。


◆be/get caught in:~に巻き込まれる、~に遭う


— dire(形容詞)の類語 —

「in dire situations:悲惨な状況でも」と若干ニュアンスが異なるものの、類語として、「in terrible situations」「in difficult situations」も使えます。


(1)In terrible situations(=in dire situations), humans are prone to making mistakes. 



(2)In happy situations, couples tend to see the good. However, in difficult situations(=in dire situations), they tend to see the bad side of each other.


◆take a ladder: 階段を使う

◆greener pasture:今よりも良い環境、より好都合な場所など

— greener pasture —

greener pastureは、greeer(より青い)+pasture(不可算名詞:牧草地)=直訳すると「より青い牧草地」となり、「今よりも良い環境」や「より好都合な場所」という意味で使われます。





The grass is always greener on the other side



◆avenue of ~:(ある目的への)手段

— avenue とwayについて —

“A way” は道路(= a road, track, path, or street)という意味があり、

“An avenue”も同様に通り、道路(=road)、並木通り(=a road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides)という意味がありますが、

この二つの単語はいずれも「方法」「手段」(= “method of doing something” “method of achieving something”)という意味があります。



・We should find the way/avenue of solving the problem. 



ところで、「道路」「道」という単語は、road・ street・ way・path・avenueといろいろありますが、「方法」「手段」として使われるのは、”way” と “avenue”だけのようです。



◆bring forth: 生み出す、生じる




Refer to the word “promotion”, I want to introduce the word “ladder” at first. There are two meanings, one is physical and vertical tool to go up and down. The other one is abstract, promotion, climb the corporate ladder, move up the career ladder. 

※英語では、“会社のはしごを上る”と言う表現になり、“climb the corporate ladder”“や“move up the career ladder”と言われるようです。



反対に下がる時は、「はしご・階段を下りる=do down the stairs/ the ladder」、「エスカレーターで降りる=get down the escalator」このように使われます。

By the way, “take”can be used in many means such as ladder, stairs, escalator, etc.

Take means go up or to use something. The opposite words are “go down the stairs/ the ladder”, “get down the escalator”etc.



1, I’m not interested in getting ahead in corporate.  

※get ahead in~=「~で成功する、出世する」


2, He is already on the fast track to success. Meaning, he already promoted.

※on the fast track=出世コースに乗っている、出世街道を走る


3, I gave up climbing the corporate ladder /  the career ladder. 




In Japan, when talking about career, “stairs” can be comparable to “career growth” or “career progression“. We tend to use the expression, “Go up the career stairs”.



On the other hand, in English, they say “go up the career ladder”. The only difference lies between whether the term used is “stairs” or “ladder”.



Many business people’s ultimate goal is the go up or move up the corporate ladder.



But on the contrary, someone who already has earned a significant title, such as director or manager, sometimes they contemplate on being demoted and revert back to their previous titles, especially when the tough gets going, and when their roles require tremendous pressure and responsibility.


さて、「降格する」は、「be demoted」「get demoted」「get redelegated」などが使われます。

“Be demoted”, “Get demoted” and “get redelegated” all means the same thing.




I think they are just being immature.




もちろん、”I think they are just immature”とも言えます。

でもなぜ、私は“they are just being immature”としたか、ご説明します。


【主語+be動詞(is/am, are)+動名詞~ing+形容詞】:一時的に~の状態である


・I am feeling sleepy.

・I feel sleepy.

・I am sleepy. 


しかし、”be feeling sleepy” の形は、「一時的にその状態である」が強調されます。


さて、話を元に戻しますと、「I think they are just being immature」と

They are being immatureとすることで、「普段は成熟した行動をとるけど、



~”those who~”の使い方~



Originally its shape is “those + noun+a relative pronoun /who”and used as a noun for people, not a person, but people.


つまり、「those+名詞+関係代名詞”who”」から名詞を省略した形が「those who(それらの人々)」です。



1. I like those people who work hard.

I like those who work hard.



2. Those students who study hard don’t always pass the exam.

Those who study hard don’t always pass the exam.



3. Some people don’t like those people who change their jobs several times.

Some people don’t like those who change their jobs several times.
