


Title: Did I Marry the Wrong Partner?


“Did I marry the wrong partner?” This question might have crossed the minds of many people in marriage or partnerships at least once. Marriage has its upsides and downsides like any other thing.



Recently, the trend of divorce rates is increasing in Japan. Reasons vary from domestic violence, financial problems, unemployment, no sexual relationship or lack of intimacy to cheating but to name a few.



Even though married life brings about happiness, humans tend to become complacent and forget to appreciate it. 



We sometimes tend to take our normally happy and peaceful life for granted. As a result, many trivial complaints arise and accumulate which may unfortunately be the trigger of relationship breakdown or even divorce.



When you begin to resent and doubt your choice to marry someone, it would be best to step back and ask yourself ‘what makes this marriage important and what makes me happy?’ Try to reflect on how it changed your life, bringing color and excitement to it rather than finding fault.



As long as there are no issues such as domestic violence, physical and verbal abuse, unacceptable debt, cheating and indiscretions, you can say that your married life is generally peaceful.



If your partner comes home not too late and communicates with you, if you spend time together in peace and quiet or sometimes fun weekends, if both of you take care of each other’s health, that’s happiness that not everyone can have; that’s a home full of love.



As time goes, romance and love will change their forms. These forms don’t last forever. Both you and your partner will grow, but sometimes the speed of growing is different, or even the direction is slightly different.



In the end, having peaceful days is what matters the most.




・have upsides and downsides:良い点も悪い点もある



pros and cons

merits and demerits

a bright side and a dark side の他、

“The good, the bad, and the ugly”を使って、”Everything has the good, the bad, and the ugly”という表現もありますし、

“Everything that goes up must come down”という言い方もあります。


・to name a few: 2~3の例を出す、例を挙げる

【使い方】「a,b,and c, to name a few」のように文末に持ってきます。「事柄がいくつかありますが、とりあえず2つか3つほど例を挙げますと~」という意味で使われます。


~結婚生活は marriage life? Married life?~


Marriage lifeは「名詞+名詞」になり、

married lifeは「形容詞+名詞」になります。

どちらも言いそうですが、結婚生活は、「married life(形容詞+名詞)」が正しいようです。



※辞書では「become complacent」は「自己満足する」という意味が出ていると思いますが、良い意味でも悪い意味でも、現状に慣れてしまい、変わろうとしない、というネガティブな意味で使われますので、日本語訳は「慣れる」が相応しいかなと思います。


~【違いについて】human? Human being? Mankind?~


(1)   可算名詞か不可算名詞か:

“human”,“human being”は可算名詞で、



(2)   使う場面:

“human”、“human being”が使われる場面は、生物的に言う場合、例えば「動物と区別する」ニュアンスです。この二つはどちらを使ってもあまり差はないようです。



・reflect on:~を熟考する、反省する、じっくり考える



「熟考する」にはcontemplate, consider, pounderなどさまざまな言い方がありますが、特に過去を振り返って考えてみる・・・という状況には「reflect on~」が相応しいようです。この「reflect」には、「映す」「反射する」という意味がありますね。例えば鏡に映った自分の顔を見ながら考え直すとか、鏡に反射する自身を見て再考するというイメージと思うと覚えやすいでしょうか。