







今回の単語のポイントは、「at the end of the day」です。

Title: Don’t Giving Up a Women


Generally, mothers or wives are really busy for taking care of children, being a caregiver for the elderly, or even dealing with sister-in-low, etc with doing many house chores at home. Some are house wives (meaning don’t work, just stay at home), some work as well.



These women often say something like; “My husband only play with children, not taking care of them or educate them”, “Even though I do many house chores after work, my husband doesn’t care about me, and just stays on the coach watching TV”, etc…



They are very busy to take care of their families and themselves are not the first priority…



After the marriages, many of them may regard “holidays and weekends” as more busy and depressing days. During week days, their husbands go to work, but men will stay at home during holidays or weekends, so women have to cook or do more house chores for their partners than week days in addition to daily house chores including taking care of their children or elderly families, etc.

No time for themselves!



Some women neglect their personal needs like beauty and skin care because their everyday routines keep them incredibly busy. No time for beauty regimen or any skin care. So, they may seem to have rough or irritated skin. Most of them also don’t have time to shop for fashionable clothes.



At the end of the day, thoughts of regret might linger on their minds. They tend to regret lost opportunities to take care of themselves, both their physical and mental wellbeing. And eventually, no matter how successful they are in keeping the household organized, and their family healthy and happy, they won’t feel 100% fulfillment because something will still be missing.



The bottom line is, we also need to take time to care for our wellbeing. It doesn’t need to be luxurious at all.



Even simple things like going to a favorite cafe, reading books, getting a spa or facial treatment, or going to the gym. These simple things complete your sense of life satisfaction. That is the reason why there are now services providing childcare or elderly care.



That is to allow busy homemakers to have some “me” time. It doesn’t have to be everyday or all the time. Just a few hours per week would be fine. Sometimes, all it takes is to admit that we need help, and ask for it.




・at the end of the day:直訳すると1日の終わりですが、本来「結局は」とか「最終的には」として使われます。