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単 語

【単語】the other? another? others???

“他の人”と言いたい時、“others”, “another”, “the others”?? どれかな?など迷うことはありませんか?



それでは、形容詞“the other”, “another”, “others”, “the others”について解説します。


◆一番簡単なのは、”the other” です。


(I think, the easiest one is, “the other”. It points out that one of the two which is different from the first pointed one.)



I have two pens, a red one and a blue one. I’m using the red one, so I’ll lend you the other.



◆次に簡単なのは、”another” でしょう。

これは、いくつかあるうち(数は限定されない)中で、まず1つが選ばれた後、「もう一つ選ぶ際」に使われます。つまり、”another“も、数で言うと「一つ」です日本語としては「もう一つ」ですね。たまに”another one”として使われ、通常”one”が省略されたりされなかったりします。

(I think, the second easiest one is “another”. The total quantity is not determined. After one is chosen, “another” is used to point out one more. So, sometimes it is used as “another one”. In general, “one” may or may not omitted.)




(“another” this adjective has two meanings. One points out one more the same one. The second one points out one more different from the original type.)


そして、それぞれ同じものをもう一つか、違うものをもう一つかの混乱を避けるために、いずれも「名詞」が続きます。“それとは違うもの”を指す時は、”another type”, “another kind”などのように後ろに名詞が伴い、”同じものをもう一つ“を指す場合は、“another serving”, “another set”などの名詞が伴います。

(“another” is accompanied by “type/kind” in case you are referring to something different from the first one. And when referring to the same kind, it should be followed by a noun too, to avoid confusion “ another serving, another set, etc”)

1. The dish I ordered was very delicious. I want to order another one (or another serving).
=The dish I ordered was very delicious. I want to order one more.



2. The dish I ordered wasn’t so delicious. Next time, I’ll order another type.



◆さて、難しいのは、”the others”と”others”ではないでしょうか。この二つは同じように使われますが、 “the others”は残りの人全員を指し、“others”は単に「他の人々」を指し残りの人全員という意味ではありません

(The most difficult words are “the others” and “others”. ‘Others’ and ‘the others’ have the same use. But, “the others” means all of the remaining. Meaning, “others” doesn’t mean all of the remaining, but just say some people.)



The others =残り全員

Others =他の何人か



(Let’s say, there are 100 employees in a company.)

1.  10 employees work very hard. The others (=90 employees) work so so.



2. 10 employees work very hard. Others (=some of them) don’t work so hard.




1.     Even though the others hate you, I still love you forever.


※“the others”は、私一人を除いた、世界中の人々約75億人を指します。


2.     At schools, female students would talk about which male is the most popular in the class. Some would say, “It’s Tony.”  Others would say, “No, it must be Tom.” They like discussing who the best guy in the class is.



仮に “the others”だと、「トニー」を選んだ女性生徒以外、全員という意味になりますが。





×(誤):Mainly our worries are divided into three types, one is relationships including work, school and a romance, another is health, and the other is money.


「the other」は違います!と訂正されました。


正しくは、”the last”だと。

◎(正):Mainly our worries are divided into three types, one is relationships including work, school and a romance, another is health, and the last is money.


“the other”は2つの選択がある時にのみ使える「もう一つ」という意味ですね。

もしもともと3つかそれ以上ある時には、”the other”は使えません。

(When you say ‘the other’ you are referring to two options only. If it’s three or more, we can’t use the other.)




(For example. I bought two things. One is A, and the other is B.

If you have three or more. I bought three bags. One is pink, another one is blue, and the third is orange. )

さて。私の例文は、悩みが3つあるうち、先に「人間関係」を挙げています。私は残り2つについて、一つは健康で、2つのうち、もう一つはという意味で“the other”を使いもう一つはお金です、と言いました。
