






今回の英語のポイントは、「a silver lining(銀色の裏地?)」の意味です。

Title: Good Comes Out Of Bad Situation- Every cloud has a silver lining


Someone once said, “Even in a bad situation, something good can come out of it.” I totally agree with this. I also think at times bad situations will help us pave the way into a better life.



I believe people who follow a specific religion might think bad situations are brought on by their gods as lessons. I can’t deny this belief because it makes sense.



In my opinion, good situations might come from luck. On the other hand, bad situations could happen because of our past behavior or decisions.



Here’s a few examples:

  1. If we don’t ask for help, we could end up handling too much work on our own leading to uncompleted tasks.
  2. If we didn’t choose the right person, then it’s possible unnecessary or bad friends disturb our lives negatively.
  3. If we don’t control our finances, then we could put ourselves in serious dept.
  4. If we always wear rose colored glasses, then we could choose the wrong partner which causes various problems, financial, DV, and more.

Etc., Etc…




If we have to face a dreadful situation, then we should ask ourselves how we got ourselves in this mess. After considering the mistakes we made and take responsibility for our choices, it will lead us to grow as a person and may even lead to a successful life.



I can say confidently that something good comes out of bad situations.



We have to remember though, our lives are also based on a proverb – “You reap what you sow.” We must take responsibility for what we do, right?





「Every (dark) cloud has a silver lining」について


“a silver lining” とは、雲の間から漏れる太陽の光が、銀色に輝いていることから、「希望の光」といった比ゆ的な意味で使われるようです。この表現を直訳すると、「すべての(暗)雲はsilver liningを持っている」ですが、比ゆ的に考えると、「どんな困難な状況(=暗雲)でも、希望(=a silver lining)はある、光が射す」と言う意味になります。



※この「silver lining」の写真は、下記のページの下方に掲載しています

🌺Good Comes Out Of Bad Situation- Every cloud has a silver lining | 日本の紹介サイト (nihon-syoukai.com)