


Title: Leaving The Past In The Past


In our lives, we make hundreds of decisions, and they vary from trivial to huge things.



We must look at reasons to find our way. When you drop someone like a hot potato, it’s not for nothing, but there are probably valid reasons behind that. Or the man who quit his job due to unfavorable circumstances at work, or the woman will get divorced because her partner is addicted to gambling… 



For everything we do, it is all driven by reasons or purposes.



But sometimes we regret what we chose or decided in the past. Truly, it is important to remember that we are not supposed to dwell on the past. Past should be left where it belongs, down in our memories.



Whenever we are caught in a spiral of regret and wanting to bring back the past, it is important to think about the reasons why we came up with such decisions in the first place.



Even a stupid reason that determined our choice, any reason was strong enough at that time which led us to make that decision.



We should realize that our ‘could’ve’, ‘would’ve’ and ‘should’ve’ thoughts may disrupt our growth and stop us moving forward. Sometimes, the results of our past decisions do not satisfy our present expectations.



But, everything is part of our learning experience. Each outcome of our decisions, whether praiseworthy or failures, will shape us to be better versions of ourselves. Such experiences will help us balance our lives and we can choose the right path whenever we get caught at a crossroad.



Don’t dwell on the bad results emanating from our decisions. In some cases, we might have made a wrong decision because we were immature or had a narrow-mind at that time.



Of course, the reasons are not always accepted by everyone. Some might say, “Hey, you made this choice based on an illogical reason”, or “You should have thought deeper, so that you wouldn’t have failed…” etc.



We reflect on our decision making at the time and try to ponder on what we can do better in the future. The past is the past. The current us will not make the same decision, right?




・be driven:~に駆られる、~に駆り立てられる ※感情的な意味が含まれます

・be caught in a spiral of regret:後悔の念にかられる

— be caught in a spiral of regret–

※直訳はbe caught in (~にとらわれる)+a spiral of regret(後悔の連鎖)です。

この[a spiral of~]は、他にも例えば“a spiral of bad luck(不運の連鎖)”、“a spiral of misfortune(不幸の連鎖)”など他にも言い方があります。

・in the first place:そもそも、第一に

・could’ve, would’ve and should’ve:たられば



・reflect on~:振り返る(※過去の出来事に対して)